P- ISSN: 0976-1675
E- ISSN: 2249-4538

© CARAS (Centre for Advanced Research in Agricultural Sciences)
NAAS Score: 4.56


Evaluation of Maize and Soybean Powder on the Growth Parameter, Yield and Biological Efficiency of Pleurotus florida

The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of various supplements on the growth and yield of oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus florida) in order to determine the best alternative supplements and their amounts that support oyster mushroom growth, produce the highest yield, and have the highest biological efficiency. Under the complete randomize design; two supplements viz. Maize powder and Soybean powder were taken at different concentrations. The minimum time taken for mycelium run (15 days) was in 4% soybean powder supplementation (WS+S4%) and maximum was observed (23 days) in 3% maize powder supplementation (WS+M3%). Maximum yield was obtained on WS+M4% and WS+S1% (1318 and 1307 g/kg) with highest biological efficiency (131.8% and 130.7%). Therefore, it can be concluded that the effect of supplementation as well as concentration of supplement proved to be best yield for Pleurotus florida.

Short communication | Published online : 14-May-2022