P- ISSN: 0976-1675
E- ISSN: 2249-4538

© CARAS (Centre for Advanced Research in Agricultural Sciences)
NAAS Score: 4.56


Morphometric Analysis of Linear and Areal Aspects of the Puliyeru River Basin, Andhra Pradesh, India using Remote Sensing and GIS

Understanding the hydrological structure of any terrain requires a quantitative investigation of the watershed. The current work uses Landsat 8 satellite data and Cartosat DEM 30m resolution data to quantify the Puliyeru River basin in Andhra Pradesh, India. Computations of linear and areal aspect, using conventional GIS methods, were used to evaluate watershed morphometric parameters. The Cartosat digital elevation model was used in an ArcGIS context for morphometric component analysis and river basin delineation (DEM). It was decided to focus on the Puliyeru River basin, which is comprised of branches of the Penna River. Approximately 834.18 km2 of the basin's drainage area is characterized by a sub dendritic to dendritic pattern of drainage. The drainage density in the research region is 8.2 km/km2 (the sixth order basin). Stream order, stream length, bifurcation ratio, drainage density and frequency, texture, form factor and elongation ratio were calculated within this basin and their hydrological consequences were addressed in detail. Using the database of morphometric characteristics, it is possible to pick the location of water-harvesting structures and flood-control measures in the basin based on scientific evidence. The information gleaned from this study might be used to future watershed categorization efforts.

Research Article | Published online : 15-Aug-2022