Millets have potential therapeutic and nutrition profiles that play an important role in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The Sustainable Development Goal SDG3 is one of the most important goals, which is crosstalk other SDGs. The objective of SDG3 is to promote health and wellbeing. Millets are helpful in many pathological conditions because of their gluten-free property and low glycaemic index that promotes SDG-3 Good Health and Well-being. Millets are high in protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, all of which are deficient in the diets of impoverished people. They can also give you long-lasting satisfaction and are a good energy source. So, millets play an important role in achieving SDG 2 Zero Hunger. Millets require less investment and natural resources as compared to major cereals. Millets can achieve SDG 1 (No poverty) by providing a stable source of income for small farmers. A smaller amount of fertilizer and insecticide is needed for the millet crop, which is helpful for preventing harmful effects on the environment that helps meet SDG 13 Climate Action. This article analyses the role of millets in achieving Sustainable Development Goals, primarily environmental and health issues, particularly SDG1, SDG 2, SDG 3, and SGD 13.
Research Review | Published online : 30-Jul-2024