P- ISSN: 0976-1675
E- ISSN: 2249-4538

© CARAS (Centre for Advanced Research in Agricultural Sciences)
NAAS Score: 4.56

Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences: An International Journal is a bi-monthly peer reviewed research Journal, published by the Center for Advanced Research in Agricultural Sciences, devoted to the advancement and dissemination of scientific knowledge covering all disciplines related to agricultural sciences. The journal publishes original manuscripts on all aspects of agriculture and allied fields. Research papers, short communications and review articles are published based on their scientific content. All manuscripts are subjected to extensive peer reviewed by a panel of national and international referees. The journal will consider submissions from all over world on research works has not been published or is currently being considered for publication in another journal.

Latest Issue

  Volume 15

  July-August 2024

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The Impact of Combinations of Poultry Manure on Mulberry Plants Variety G-4

| Published online : 03-Jul-2024

Extending Fruit Freshness through Edible Coatings: A Review

| Published online : 02-Jul-2024

Combined Effect of Biofertilizers and Chemical Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Tomato

| Published online : 01-Jul-2024

Isolation and Screening of Cellulase Producing Bacteria from Sugar Industry Waste

| Published online : 01-Jul-2024

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